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7.2. The Transaction Filter Form





Clicking on any of the cells in the Transaction List, except for cells in the Order # column, results in the Filter Transactions Form being displayed. This form can also be accessed from the <Filters> option.


The Filter Transactions Form provides options to search the current Transaction List and create a ‘customised Transaction List’ based on the filter parameters selected by the user.


The filters which a user can select to refine or customise the Transaction List are


Merchants – a dropdown list; if a merchant name is selected from the list of available merchants in the dropdown list, only that merchant’s transactions will be displayed in the customised Transaction List

Client ID - if a client ID is entered in this field only that client’s transactions will be displayed in the customised Transaction List

Response – a dropdown list; if a specific transaction response is chosen from the list, only transactions with this response will be displayed in the customised Transaction List

Currency – a dropdown list; if a specific currency is chosen from the list of available currencies, only transactions with that currency will be displayed in the customised Transaction List

Transaction Type – a dropdown list; if a specific transaction type is chosen from the list, only transactions of that type will be displayed in the customised Transaction List

Payment Type - a dropdown list; if a specific payment type (payment brand) is chosen from the list, only transactions of that payment brand will be displayed in the customised Transaction List

Amount Low and Amount High – amount fields; if specific amounts are entered in these fields only transactions with values between these amounts will be displayed in the customised Transaction List


Populating the Transaction Search Form


Once the Filter Transactions Form has been loaded, it can be populated either by entering the required data into the fields manually or by selecting (clicking on) cells in the Transaction List. The latter is the more efficient way in which to populate the fields in this form; for example with the form open the user click clicked on a merchant in the Transaction List which results in  the <Merchant Name> field in the form being auto-populated with the merchant name selected. Similarly, the <Client ID> and <Transaction Type> fields can be auto-populated by selecting the relevant cells in the list. This form is ‘draggable’ by the header bar and so can be moved to allow access to the Transaction List cells if required.


Note that not all fields need to be completed to perform a transaction search.


The option <Clear Filters> from the form’s dropdown menu is used clear all the form fields and reload the Transaction List using the last data downloaded from the server without closing the form.


Displaying Transaction Totals


Transaction totals for the currently displayed Transaction List, i.e. those transactions currently displayed in the list, can be requested using the <Transaction Summary> option from the dropdown menu in the Filter Transactions form. at the bottom left of the list.


Closing the Transaction Search form


Clicking the close form button, <X> will close the form while maintaining the data entered in the search fields by. No searches will be performed on the Transaction List and any data entered will be available to the user when the form is reloaded.


Clicking the <Apply> button or pressing the <Enter> key will result in the form being closed and a search being performed on the Transaction List using the user’s desired parameters and a customised Transaction List being displayed. Clearing a field before the search will remove that parameter from the search.


Subsequent requests to print or save the list, or for transaction currency totals will be performed on the customised Transaction List rather than the original list loaded from the server.





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