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1. Introduction





Stratsol has implemented a Payment Gateway facility to enable merchants and processors to accept common payment cards for Electronic Commerce (EC) and Point of Sale (POS). This Manual is specific to EC merchants only.


The service is known as the WASP Switch, and provides a high function payment service that simplifies the payment acceptance process. The WASP Switch provides an outsourced proposition to acquirers, merchants and payment processors (collective referred to as Payment Service Providers or PSPs in this document) for this payment services.


The WASP Switch consists of internet front-end payment and account management functions and an on-line administrative platform to a web hosted application. This document details the online administration functions, known as the WASP Portal Merchant Administration (WASP-MA). For information on the payment and customer account management functions refer to the Stratsol Product Services Guide for E-commerce Merchants and Processors.


The Merchant Administration (WASP-MA) functions of the WASP Portal allow users to monitor, manage and report on transactions made through the WASP Switch. This is done by logging onto a web-based user portal and navigating through a series of easy to use screens using any standard web browser.


In this manual all users of the WASP-MA system are generically referred to as users, though they may include Merchants, Payment Service Providers (PSPs), Third Party Processors (TPPs) and Acquirers.





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