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4.3. The Create Merchant Form





There are two ways to access the Create New Merchant Form, by choosing the Copy Merchant option from the View/Edit Merchant Form, as described above; or from the <Create Merchant> option on the <Merchants> menu. In the case of the former, the newly created merchant will normally have the same settlement, currency, naming and billing parameters as the original; while in the latter case a separate merchant will be created from scratch.


The Create New Merchant Form provides the user the capability to create a new merchant or suite of merchants on the Stratsol server.


All the fields on the form marked with a star ‘*’ are required fields and before submitting any request to create the merchant, these fields need to be completed. Most of the fields on the form are self-explanatory and all include context sensitive help information; it is important that the fees, banking, contact and other details are correctly entered as this information is used to calculate fees and settle funds to the merchant.


Processing Fees


Processing fees, the percentage of each transaction withheld as service charges, can be differentiated by payment brand or scheme. These fees are entered in the form under the heading <Processing Service Fees By Payment Type>, shown below.


The user may select any of the brands/schemes shown in blue and must select at least one payment brand to have processing fees entered. Clicking on a blue payment brand loads the Payment Brand Processing Fees Popup, a fixed window displayed in the middle of the screen.


The user can enter the Processing Service Fee (MDF), Currency Conversion Fee (if applicable) and whether the fees apply to all, or to approved transactions only.


Clicking the <X> button will clear the input fields of any data entered and close the window.


Clicking the <Save> button or pressing the <Enter> key will check the information entered for completeness and, if complete, accept the fees entered and close the window.


Presenting Currencies


International, multi-currency supporting merchants may choose to present payment transactions to the WASP Switch in a variety of different currencies. The specific information associated with each currency is entered in the form under the heading <Currency Fees & Information.


Once the user has selected a currency from the <Presenting Currency> dropdown menu and configured the currency with the relevant currency information, that currency is presumed to be the currency supported by that merchant.


Closing and Submitting the Add Merchant Form


Clicking the <X> button or pressing the <Esc> key will close the form and delete any information the user may have entered in the Create New Merchant Form.


Clicking the minimise form button, <> will close the form while maintaining any information the user may have entered to create the merchant. Entered information will not be submitted to the server for processing; but will be available to the user by opening the Create New Merchant Form from the <Create Merchant> option on the <Merchants> menu.


Clicking the <Submit> button or pressing the <Enter> key will result in the form’s data being checked for completeness and, if complete, the entered merchant information being sent to the server for merchant creation. The user is informed of the result of the server’s attempt to create the merchant through either a Warning message in case of failure, or an Information message in case of a successful creation. The Information message includes information the merchant will need in order to login to the portal or perform payment transaction.


If the merchant is successfully created the merchant’s details are displayed to the user in the View/Edit Merchant Form, and a Merchant Admin user is created at the server (see below for more details on creating users). The required login details for the new user are emailed to the user’s email address and a password change will be required at first login for the new merchant.


Though the new merchant has been created and the new merchant profile stored at the server, the user can change or delete this information at the displayed View/Edit Merchant Form, if required. If no changes are required and the merchant is not to be deleted, the form can be closed by clicking the close form button, <X>, the <Cancel> button or by pressing the <Esc> key.


Merchant Naming Convention


A merchant is created and named MerchantName(CUR), with a Merchant Abbreviation of MerchantAbbr(CUR), where CUR is the international ISO currency code for the configured presenting currency and MerchantName and MerchantAbbr are the user entered Merchant Name and Merchant Abbreviation respectively.


Each of the created merchants is allocated their own unique set of Merchant Information (see above under View/Edit Merchant Form) used at login, for processing payments at the WASP Switch and for accessing and using the Stratsol API.





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