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4.2. The View/Edit Merchant Form





Clicking on any of the cells in the Merchant List results in the full information for that merchant being loaded from the server, after which the View/Edit Merchant Form is displayed. This form can also be accessed from the <View/Edit Merchant> option on the <Merchants> menu.


The View/Edit Merchant Form provides options to access, review, change, copy and delete a merchant’s stored information on the My Gateway server.


All the fields on the form marked with a star ‘*’ are required fields and before submitting any changes to the server, these fields need to be completed. The <Merchant> field dropdown menu, allows the user to select a specific merchant to view or edit. Any fields with a grey background cannot be changed and the information in these fields is supplied by the server.


Copy Merchant Information


The View/Edit Merchant Form includes up to options in the dropdown menu at the top left, one of which is <Copy Merchant>.


This option is useful should the user find it necessary to create a new merchant profile for the same merchant. For example, a new merchant may be similar to an existing merchant; but require a different presenting or settlement currency.


Clicking on this icon results in most of the merchant details (including brand fee details; but not presenting currencies) being copied to a new Add New Merchant Form, from where a new merchant can be created based on the details copied from the existing merchant. The Add New Merchant Form is described below.



Merchant Information


Choosing the <Merchant Information> option will open an Information message with details of the required information a merchant needs to have to be able to process transactions through the Stratsol payment gateway.


This information includes the Merchant Abbreviation (required for various API calls and logging into the portal); the Merchant ID (used for payment processing), the Merchant API Key and Merchant Key (used to access the API calls).


Delete Merchant


Users with the appropriate access privileges and rights can use the <Delete Merchant> option to delete the current merchant from the server. Note that once a merchant is deleted from the server, the merchant’s details are no longer available, and no transactions can be performed using the merchant’s details. The merchant’s information will no longer be available in the Merchant List and to manage a merchant with the same or similar details will require the user to create a new merchant.


In many cases it may be preferable to use the <Merchant Status> field in the View/Edit Merchant Form to change the merchant status to Terminated or Suspended, rather than delete the merchant entirely.


Promote Merchant


Users with the appropriate access privileges and rights can use the <Promote Merchant> option to promote the current merchant from the test platform to the production platform. This option is only available on the test platform and when a merchant is promoted, if the merchant is already live on the production platform its details will be overwritten.


To perform live transactions a merchant will require that their information is loaded onto the production platform and this option is the recommended way to achieve that.


Closing the View/Edit Merchant Form


Clicking the <X> button or pressing the <Esc> key will close the form and delete any changes the user may have made to the merchant details.

Clicking the minimise form button, <> will close the form while maintaining any changes the user may have made to the merchant information. Changed information will not be submitted to the server for processing; but will be available to the user by loading the View/Edit Merchant Form from the <View/Edit Merchant> option on the <Merchants> menu.


Clicking the <Save> button or pressing the <Enter> key will result in the form’s data being checked for completeness and, if complete, the updated merchant information being sent to the server for processing. The user is informed of the result of the server’s attempt to update the merchant details through either a Warning message in case of failure, or an Alert message in case of a successful update.





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