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4.1. The Merchant List





The Merchant List displays the details of the user’s merchants as stored on the server. This list is automatically loaded from the server once the user logs in and once the merchant data has been received, the Merchant List is displayed. Though this list is automatically loaded at login; the user can reload it at any time by clicking the <Load> button on the merchant list page.


This list includes high level details of all the merchants which the user has access to in the form of a 5-column table. The list can be mouse scrolled within the table or by using the scroll bar on the right of the table.


Searching and Sorting the Merchant List


Users can search the contents of the list using the <Merchant Search> box; entering any characters in the search box will change the contents of the Merchant List to only show merchant details which include the entered characters.


The Merchant List can be sorted by any of the columns by clicking on that column’s header, for example selecting <Merchant Name> from the header will sort the list by merchant name in ascending or descending order. The sort direction is shown by an arrow to the right of the relevant column header and can be reversed by clicking on that header.


The number of merchants which conform to the search criteria is displayed at the bottom left of the Merchant List, as is the total number of merchants in the list.


Printing or Saving the Merchant List


The Merchant List can be printed or downloaded using the options on the bottom right of the list. Choosing the <Print Merchant List> option will result in a popup being displayed and the list can then be printed to any connected printer or downloaded and saved as a PDF file.


Choosing the <Download Merchant List> option will result in the merchant list being downloaded to the user’s computer as a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file which can be read using common applications such as Excel and most text editors.


Closing the Merchant List


Close the Merchant List by choosing the option <> at the top right of the list, this option closes the Merchant List; but does not delete the merchant data loaded from the server. To reload the Merchant List using the most up to date data downloaded from the server, click the <Load> button.






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