Navigation: 3. Merchant Administration System (WASP-MA) >

3.4. The WASP-MA Home Screen





After login the user is presented with the WASP-MA Home screen; user options are provided on the menu bar at the top of the screen.


The test portal is differentiated from the production portal with the message Test, next to the logo at the top left of the screen.


The Merchant List is automatically loaded and displayed; this list contains the names, contact information and status of the merchants which the user has access to. Only merchants with a status of Active (coloured in blue) can perform payment related transactions on the WASP Switch.


Clicking on the logo at the top left of the screen will return the view to the top of the page.




Logout using the <Logout> option on the top right of the screen which will close the Home screen, clear any open forms and lists and return the user to the Login page.


Edit User Settings


The current user’s settings are accessed by selecting the user icon at the top right of the screen, to the left of the <Logout> button.


Users can select this option to open the Edit Current User form, where they can edit their user settings including their contact details. Fields in grey cannot be edited and are supplied by the WASP-MA server.


Change User Password


Users can change their password at the Edit Current User form by selecting the Change Password option from the dropdown menu at the top left of the screen.





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