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Once the merchant has completed the Merchant Agreement, provided the Merchant Information and received the merchant ID and other relevant information from the Gateway, the merchant is ready to integrate to the Gateway.


The merchant interacts with the Gateway via a set of API calls and via an online portal, details of which are provided in the Product Services Guide.



Payments Functions


There are 4 functions available to merchants to facilitate payments on the Gateway; Purchase, to initiate a payment; Void/Purchase Cancellation, to cancel a purchase made prior to the to the merchant being settled; Refund, to refund money after the merchant has been settled for the purchase; and Query, to enquire on a previously initiated payment transaction.


While all these functions are described in detail in the Product Services Guide and the merchant will have received the necessary information to implement live payment transactions; it is highly recommended that merchants first test their implementation. This can be done using the test system information provided by the Gateway at the Merchant Information exchange.




Settlement is the process whereby funds are transferred to merchants’ bank accounts from their processor or acquirer. Merchant funds (less any transaction and service fees) are transferred into the merchant bank account after their transactions have been authorised by the card issuing institution and funds have been cleared by the Gateway. Settlement usually takes place with merchants a number of days after the transactions have been approved, the ‘Settlement Date’. The settlement date is generally agreed between the merchant and their PSP or acquirer prior to enablement. The settlement date may be affected by public holidays and non-working days in relevant countries and merchants will be provided with a settlement calendar by their acquirer or PSP.




The Gateway supports any currency for transactions and supports acquirers and PSPs to settle in the currency of the merchant’s choice.




Merchants may need to refund the transaction amount to the cardholder’s account. The Gateway requires a refund to only be processed on the same card number that was used in the original sales transaction and for an amount which is no more than the original transaction.


In the majority of cases, merchants are only able to perform refund transactions using the Merchant Administration Functions described in Merchant Admin Guide.




Merchants are able to cancel or void a transaction which has been authorised by the Gateway prior to settlement. Cancels can only be processed on previously authorised transactions which have not yet been cleared by the Gateway and a cancellation will be performed for the entire transaction amount.


Cancel or Void transactions can be performed using Merchant Administration Functions described in Product Services Guide.





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